The funniest thing we've seen so far is duck yoga... A duck will stand on one leg, extend the opposite wing and even stretch out the feathers and the end of it. It all happens very slowly so maybe duck Tai Chi is a more fitting name. Never seems to happen when there's a phone around so no photos yet :)
Baby ducks extend their legs. Some times both. Double duck yoga.

Okay, I think I can risk jinxing it now... I HAVE TWO DUCK EGGS PIPPING!!! And six that look DIS. I had four due last Wednesday, and none made it. This batch is due today.

One of the eggs I had to do the pinhole thing since it had internally pipped over 48 hours before, and it got it's external pip yesterday along with it's fellow egg. Progress was made in zipping overnight, but still a ways to go.
Greetings my duckies!

Speaking of duckies:


Temporarily named Smokey and the Bandit, lol!
This is the exact species that I am 'sampling'. Absolutely nothing wrong with it, and since it's an invasive species, we're actually doing some good by consuming it!

I've also eaten some of the Stella D'Oro daylilies flower buds. Nice thing about that one is that it's a continuous bloomer, so always tons of flower buds available.

Good luck, and tell me what you think!!!
I will certainly try. - Also day-lilies sound like some kind of a possible replacement for water-chestnuts in Asian food-recipes. Must try them in my xicken-curry…
The funniest thing we've seen so far is duck yoga... A duck will stand on one leg, extend the opposite wing and even stretch out the feathers and the end of it. It all happens very slowly so maybe duck Tai Chi is a more fitting name. Never seems to happen when there's a phone around so no photos yet :)
I have seen Duck-Yoga - gone wrong! => A duck standing on one leg on the hill-site, starting to stretch, getting distracted by something in the sky, loosing her balance and starting to roll downhill. 🤣

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