I dropped mine in the pool last week [fell out of my pocket] thankfully I laid it on the air register and it dried out pretty fast.
I'm hoping it will dry out. It's in rice right now, the only desiccant I have. It was still powered but wouldn't recognize the sim card.

Now I can't take any pictures!!!
YIu guys are quiet. Everyone alright? I use to wake up to a minimum 4 pages to read.

All is okay here, except Rowan is sick :( I took him to the vet this morning and the vet says upper respiratory infection and gave him an injection of enrofloxacin and meloxicam, and he needs to go back tomorrow for another dose. Poor little one is not well, I'm hoping he makes it, but parrots are just so good at hiding illness.
All is okay here, except Rowan is sick :( I took him to the vet this morning and the vet says upper respiratory infection and gave him an injection of enrofloxacin and meloxicam, and he needs to go back tomorrow for another dose. Poor little one is not well, I'm hoping he makes it, but parrots are just so good at hiding illness.
Poor baby I hope he makes it too @Pyxis
He's actually doing some preening right now so I'm hoping it's a sign he's starting to feel a little better. Since I don't know if I've posted him in here before, here he is:

He's actually doing some preening right now so I'm hoping it's a sign he's starting to feel a little better. Since I don't know if I've posted him in here before, here he is:

Awww, sweet boy. I used to have a pied cockatiel (well, I had a few and tried breeding them for a bit before turning my attentions back to the lovebirds).

Hope he pulls through! :hugs

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