I would love weather like that over winter.

But not the critters that come with it! :lau
We have a biting fly infestation! They look like ordinary flies, but they bite, it hurts like hell and bleeds. The ducks do their best, but there are just too many flies! And its too hot to go outside with long sleeves and trousers.
Happy Mid Weekend to Everybody!

Busy with more and more ducklings! That Cheap Chinese Incubator is doing a fantastic job hatching out duckling after duckling, Friday a duckling unexpectedly hatched within five minutes. I heart a crack, a plopp and then somebody was squeaking loudly. Fastest duckling ever, in less than 24 hours it learned how to run like hell and joined the gang of two weeks old duck-trainees:
Look at the tiny yellow duckling at my left foot...

And today two new family members hatched:
The blurry gray 'ling hatched shortly after noon and the yellow one early in the evening. Both from eggs that i had candled and suspected dead. There are still seven eggs in the CCI...
We have a biting fly infestation! They look like ordinary flies, but they bite, it hurts like hell and bleeds. The ducks do their best, but there are just too many flies! And its too hot to go outside with long sleeves and trousers.
Yeah, biting insects have been very nasty this year. I'm in the same situation with the long sleeves and pants. When I go out for extended periods gather fodder for the bunnies, I wear a hooded jacket to keep the bugs from eating me alive, but I always end up having to toss that jacket in the dryer (and change my shirt) from it getting soaked with sweat.

Lovely babies, Frank. Glad that CCI is doing it's job!
Good news: Rowan is doing better! He was so unwell Saturday night, I thought he might pass away in the night. But then in the morning Sunday he was whistling to me a bit, and he went to the vet for his second set of shots.

This morning, I saw him eating his regular food, not just the millet I had been bribing him with, and he whistled to me when I approached his cage.

Bad news: He has to have oral antibiotics for a week and he hates it. Every 12 hours I have to catch him in a towel, hold him still, and force him to drink the medicine. He is very displeased with it. I'm gonna have to start giving him treats randomly so he doesn't associate me opening the cage with him being forced into a towel, lol.
Good news: Rowan is doing better! He was so unwell Saturday night, I thought he might pass away in the night. But then in the morning Sunday he was whistling to me a bit, and he went to the vet for his second set of shots.

This morning, I saw him eating his regular food, not just the millet I had been bribing him with, and he whistled to me when I approached his cage.

Bad news: He has to have oral antibiotics for a week and he hates it. Every 12 hours I have to catch him in a towel, hold him still, and force him to drink the medicine. He is very displeased with it. I'm gonna have to start giving him treats randomly so he doesn't associate me opening the cage with him being forced into a towel, lol.
Glad to hear he's doing better!

Good luck with the oral meds. Watch out for that beak! I have a scar above the back of my thumb where a tiel sunk her beak in and wouldn't let go. Of course, I was catching her for a customer and couldn't start screaming my head off because of the pain at the time, lol. Instead I smiled (probably grimaced) and gently detached her before placing her in the box.

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