Nice Idea! - But first they come over in waves of 10 to 15 birds, meaning when the last birds arrive, the first group is already back at the pond and second it would require a lot of fencing, at least 100 meters/110 yards and still they could run around the house on the driveway,,, Let me show you:
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I marked the duck-house's and the pond's location, the possible escape routes are in white and the shortest path to the pond is in blue.
I have a lot of 1'(30cm) chicken wire, but that won't contain them, they just casually hope over that. I am still hoping for the upcoming week's frosty night-time temperatures. Maybe the pond freezes over.
You're a smart man, I'm sure you can figure something out. ;) Blocking off the escape routes, catching them in groups. And perhaps put down a fenced duck yard as a future project.

Last year, mine decided than staying under my trailer was preferable to going into their coops, and there was no way I was getting them out of there, so that's where they stayed. Fox attacks this year have forced me to keep them fenced in, so they go into the coop at night. Perhaps next year (this year?) I'll finally get around to building something more permanent instead of surrounding the area with hardware cloth and plastic snow fencing.
Youtube has various videos of herding dogs working with ducks, event the classic border collie -- my mind went to corgis first bcs of the size, I was thinking along the lines of the dog should be small enough so that bad things are less likely to happen. Apparently ducks are even used for sheepdog training - to develop the dogs' herding reflexes.
Youtube has various videos of herding dogs working with ducks, event the classic border collie -- my mind went to corgis first bcs of the size, I was thinking along the lines of the dog should be small enough so that bad things are less likely to happen. Apparently ducks are even used for sheepdog training - to develop the dogs' herding reflexes.
Border collies are fabulous with duck hearding! Kelpies however revert to their dingo roots and eat the ducks 😳. Don't ask how I know.
Happy new year everybody, may it go your way!

I'm a little worried thought, I woke up to let the ducks out and it's totally dark outside. Have we spent the full quota and there will be no more sun in 2024 ?? :p
It was similar here! - A thick dark blanket overhead from which a tiny amount of white flakes fell down. Was there a volcanic eruption and that's ash raining down?
Or did our politclowns missed the sun's invoice?

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