Tick ID? Tick on inside of eyelid of pullet


Mar 16, 2017
New England
I'm not sure if this is a mite or a tick, but I think it is a tick from the looks of it. Thing is, I'm not sure what kind it is. I noticed her eye was closed when eating so at first I rinsed her eye out with water and tried to push it out as if it was a speck of dirt. That did not work. Then I tried to get the tick to fall off with vegetable oil as some have said is a good treatment, that did not work either. Her eyelid is so delicate I'm afraid to pull the tick out, it is also difficult to maneuver because it is not on the outside of her eye, the tick is touching her eyeball and is hidden when she closes her eyes. I put some Hen Healer on her eyelids but I don't think it will do much lol. Any recommendations for treatment would be appreciated.

I was also wondering if this could mean I have a tick infestation in the coop, or if its just some random tick she picked up. I checked the faces, legs, and feather shafts of the other pullets and cockerels but found no other bugs or skin damage. I even checked the vent areas. Everyone got dusted with DE as a precaution. Right now she is in the house for monitoring. The hens have an outdoor run and they sleep in the coop at night.
tick enlarged.png

Hmm, I think I figured it out. Today I was cleaning the coop and I disturbed a nest of mice. There was a mix of species running about at night, some house mice, some deer mice, some looked like larger white-footed mice. I think from this, I can conclude that the mice gave my hen what I assume to be a deer tick in the coop. The other hens still don't have any ticks on their body.

Set out a new trap, hope it works. I'll keep updating this thread in case it gets inflamed or she has an infection.
Is it imbedded in her eyelid?
yes, it is also facing towards her eye so that when she closes her eye it touches her eyeball and you can't see it from the outside when her eyes are closed. I've tried pulling it with tweezers but it seems like I'd do damage to her eyelid, so I feel like waiting it out.
yes, it is also facing towards her eye so that when she closes her eye it touches her eyeball and you can't see it from the outside when her eyes are closed. I've tried pulling it with tweezers but it seems like I'd do damage to her eyelid, so I feel like waiting it out.
That is a tough call. Ticks cause infection but I'd be worried about damaging her too. I think I've red you can smother them with vaseline and they let go. Let me look.
That’s a tick. Grab the tick and pull with firm but consistent pressure, trying hard not to tug so you don’t leave mouth parts in the chicken. I’d use my fingers instead of tweezers but not everyone could stomach that. The longer you wait the bigger it will get which is both a pro and a con but the sooner the better. Consider using DE in the coop bedding or where they dust bathe.
I'm gonna update the thread. We got it off with tweezers, it didn't grow in size since the photos. Her eye looked ok with no sign of inflammation for today but I'll keep watch. I think she's feeling better now. As for the rest of the flock, no other ticks yet. I caught some mice and fed them to the chooks. All's well.

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