Topic of the Week - Getting Started, Keeping Chickens

Great article, one question, we are in Australia and have brush turkeys that are protected, are they disease carrying birds? they live in my yard and have even made a nest. They aren't going anywhere. They are a complete nuisance in my garden and wanting to eat my chook food.
Hey Tillicans ..... Luckily we have only had one bush turkey visit briefly but he did bring an infestation of mites with him
Tiela my broody passed away yesterday. I'm curious if the turkey infested her Bea cause she was riddled with mites, I managed to clear them but too late she passed, I am really missing her. Loved my bantam.
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Tiela my broody passed away yesterday. I'm curious if the turkey infested her Bea cause she was riddled with mites, I managed to clear them but too late she passed, I am really missing her. Loved my bantam.

Tillicans I am sorry to hear of your loss

I had a Silkie with young chicks when the Bush Turkey visited and left his very unwanted gift. I did treat her along with the others and got the mites under control [gone] but I guess besides the fact that the Bush Turkey spooked her badly, plus the infestation of mites, her lack of condition from sitting and subsequent raising of the chicks were too much and she passed away [she was always a bit highly strung]. I still blame the Bush Turkey!
Howdy y'all

I've read all of these posts, and have a question about acquiring chicks. From what I've seen on the hatchery websites, you have to order way more chicks than I actually need in order to NOT get straight run. I can't have roosters in town, and I don't want to have to worry about finding homes for them later on. At the very most, I'll start out with 4 hens, but I want each to be a different breed. So where can a newbie go to get healthy individual pullets? Any help would be very much appreciated!

My advice:

As others have said DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!!!! Also, to choose your breed this is a good place to start:

Make your coop bigger than you think you need it, I learned the hard way. We had two, lost one, and got three more in our grief. We ended up with 3(sorry,4,chicken math) and had to crammed them in their while they were young pullets till we expanded it.
Howdy y'all

I've read all of these posts, and have a question about acquiring chicks. From what I've seen on the hatchery websites, you have to order way more chicks than I actually need in order to NOT get straight run. I can't have roosters in town, and I don't want to have to worry about finding homes for them later on. At the very most, I'll start out with 4 hens, but I want each to be a different breed. So where can a newbie go to get healthy individual pullets? Any help would be very much appreciated!

You can order less than that from My Pet Chicken now, but schedule actual delivery for after April 1. That's my plan.
Howdy y'all

I've read all of these posts, and have a question about acquiring chicks. From what I've seen on the hatchery websites, you have to order way more chicks than I actually need in order to NOT get straight run. I can't have roosters in town, and I don't want to have to worry about finding homes for them later on. At the very most, I'll start out with 4 hens, but I want each to be a different breed. So where can a newbie go to get healthy individual pullets? Any help would be very much appreciated!


I have been keeping chickens for two years now so still a newbie. If I had to do it from scratch I'd have done more research on breeds, my initial aim was which breed lays the most eggs. But now I feel breed is more important. you seem to be on the right track. Why don't you wait till spring, when most breeders do their hatching. You might have a better chance of getting different breeds. Check out all the breeders now and put your orders in they are always wanting to sell their chicks.
Then concentrate on acquiring all the things you need to set up, have the necessary products on hand if one of them get sick. I learnt the hard way. I wish you luck.
You can order less than that from My Pet Chicken now, but schedule actual delivery for after April 1.  That's my plan.  

I checked with My Pet Chicken Blooie,but they won't ship less than 6 full-size chicks to my area. I already had my order filled out before I found this out.


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