Watery blood under the roosting perch (not cocci) - please help!


Apr 22, 2023
Hi All,

I wonder if anyone's seen anything like this - pics and symptoms as follows. I'm incredibly worried - I adore my chickens, they're very much pets.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Gretel is a cross breed layer hen, 2.5 years, 2kg (has lost weight in the past few months, vet doesn't know why, but has been slowly regaining it of late). She is lighter/thinner than the others.
2) What is the behavior, exactly. Watery blood on poop sheet under her roosting spot. Pale comb. Moulting. Bit weak but still cheerful and interacting fine with the others and with me.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? About 2 weeks for a small spots of watery blood, but today there's been a big increase as per the pics
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? Not that I'm aware of
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. I have a moderate red mite infestation in the hen house that I'm currently managing. This has led to some depluming in the case of Gretel.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. I took Gretel to the vet 3 weeks ago as she'd been straining to lay an egg and not eating so I thought she might have a crushed egg in her (have seen this before with Phoebe). The vet examined and x-rayed her. She had what looks like a lash egg stuck deep in the cloaca, just where it meets the intestine - the vet couldn't extract it but managed to move it so it wasn't blocking the passage. She thought this might be the reason she had stopped eating. She told me to keep up with the epsom salt baths I've been giving and the massage, and the lash egg would work it's way out. There might be some crushed shell scraping the sides of the cloaca, so she gave me Baytril (general antibiotic) for 10 days. Poop tests have tested negative for bacterial infections, including cocci, and worms - she has no parasites.
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. After the vet trip, Gretel has been eating and drinking well. She has her normal layer pellets/layer crumble mix and oats in the mornings + free choice oyster shell. Because of the mite situation, she's also been having chopped boiled eggs, a poultry vitamin & herbal boost drink in addition to fresh water, and some extra protein pellets every day. In the afternoons she gets a couple of chopped up blueberries and a few sunflower seeds for a treat. The chickens roam freely over 1/3 acre for a few hours every day so they are also eating grass and whatever bugs they can find.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. Poop is soft, but normal amount. Softness could also be because of the incredible heat we've been having and/or the vitamin drink - they all have slightly softer poop than normal
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Baytril for 10 days from vet (now ended). Vitamin drink & probiotic powder in food. Metacam oral suspension (anti-inflammatory painkiller) to ease pain, 0.6ml/day.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Treat myself if at all possible - the vet told me last time she's not sure what to do going forward. My local vets are helpful and kind but not experienced avian vets, and I cannot afford the fees any more. I've spent over £2k on the vets in the past 6 months 🙈.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help. Attached
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use Large wooden chicken hut and attached run (although they free range several hours a day). Bedding is HempBed-E (chopped hemp with eucalyptus). Straw in nesting boxes.

Other thoughts: I'm worried she may have eaten some toxin in the garden. We've had rat poison down, but this is well hidden with barriers preventing a chicken from getting to it, and I can't see how she possibly could have accessed it. If this is the lash egg/crushed egg, why is it only bleeding now, and is there some way I can deal with it myself other than the warm epsom baths? Could this be the result of mites biting Gretel and, if so, why are the others not similarly effected?

Thanks so much for making it through this info dump! :) I'd be extremely grateful for any help/ideas. 🙏


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Likely the blood is from straining to pass lash material if she has a mass to expel. Sometimes they may be able to pass the material, sometimes not.

I'd try giving her extra calcium for 3 days to see if that helps with contractions so she can push better.

It doesn't sound very promising if the vet push the material back up into the oviduct so it was not blocking the vent, the material may just be too large to pass and the best you can do is provide her with supportive care for short period of time until it's time to let her go.

How are you treating the mites?
Thanks for your reply. Sadly, that makes sense. Do you know how much calcium I should use, please? She's still quite perky so I really hope she can pass it and pull through.

Re. the mites, I've emptied and washed their house out with Poultry Shield. Changed,all the bedding, etc. Sprayed surfaces with diluted thyme essential oil. I've got an anti-mite drink in their water and prescription of Exzolt on its way. I've taped over all the cracks & knots in the wood near the roosts whilst I wait for cupronol to arrive. I'll treat the inside of the house with this in time. I've got DE and flowers of sulphur in their dust baths. Trying everything i can think of. Have i missed anything do you know? I've not had red mites before so not sure what works best.
I would give her 1 Calcium Citrate with D3 tablet for 3 days, just pull down on the wattles and pop the tablet into her beak and let her swallow.

You may want to get a Permethrin based poultry spray or dust to treat your birds and housing if the Poultry Shield is not effective.
Ok, that's a great help, thank you :)

Sorry - just thought. How much is safe to give? I have some calcium carbonate 800mg & Vit D 5ug tablets at hand. Would these work and would she need a whole one? Otherwise I can order calcium citrate 250 mg + Vit D ~5ug which will be with me in a few days. Thanks again.
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Ok, that's a great help, thank you :)

Sorry - just thought. How much is safe to give? I have some calcium carbonate 800mg & Vit D 5ug tablets at hand. Would these work and would she need a whole one? Otherwise I can order calcium citrate 250 mg + Vit D ~5ug which will be with me in a few days. Thanks again.
I'd give her 1/2 of the 800mg tablet once a day.
Thanks. :)

Update: she laid a massive soft shelled egg this evening (after the calcium and a warm bath earlier in the day). I'm hoping that this was the issue, or the main issue in any case. Will see how things look in the morning. Thanks again for all your help.
Thanks. :)

Update: she laid a massive soft shelled egg this evening (after the calcium and a warm bath earlier in the day). I'm hoping that this was the issue, or the main issue in any case. Will see how things look in the morning. Thanks again for all your help.
Oh, this sounds hopeful!

I think I'd give the Extra Calcium for 5 days instead of 3. Let's hope is she's got another egg or more material in there, she'll be able to push it on out.

Are you still seeing the watery blood?

Keep me posted.

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