Weird eggs to no eggs


In the Brooder
May 8, 2022
My hens just turned 2 in April. My biggest is a buff orpington (pictured). The other three are easter eggers, about quail sized. Large Marge is the buff orp, she has always been the bossy one with the most attitude. They all started to lay around fall following their first birthday. The three eggers never seemed to stop since, but Large Marge has had a steady decline in eggs and she has not laid any since last summer. I don't really care that she stopped laying, but I am curious what happened considering her age. Her eggs became extra watery, I never figured that out. Maybe she liked the acv in the water more than the others? In addition, her eggs started to become misshapen, the shells were always the same consistency as far as strength but they were big and mostly very narrow/long or extra pointy at one end. There were often bands or bumps, like they were not forming well. She has never been broody, just generally not as friendly as the other three.
The other hens never had the issue, their eggs are always perfect. I only have four total, and they live in my garage over the winter and overnight. They have a mobile coop that is wheeled in and out, allows for more access to different parts of the yard as well as safety.
Just wondering if this is just something that happens sometimes, or if my inexperience has caused this.
Acv can mess up calcium absorption, don't add it anymore.
What's their diet?
They eat Nutrena soy free pellets. They also have crushed oyster available in a separate feeder. Plus dried mealworms in the winter as a treat, since there isnt much bug supply that time of year.
Marge is the only one out of the four with this issue, but she is also about twice the size.
They eat Nutrena soy free pellets. They also have crushed oyster available in a separate feeder. Plus dried mealworms in the winter as a treat, since there isnt much bug supply that time of year.
Marge is the only one out of the four with this issue, but she is also about twice the size.
I'd stop the acv. It could be a sign if henopause

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