What to do about diarrhea?


13 Years
May 17, 2011
Schuyler Lake NY
I think it is only one of my 7 hens who leaves consistently runny poo, but I can never seem to catch her in the act to figure it out. Most of the poo in the coop and run is normal consistency, but from when we got them as 8WO chicks, there has been someone with a problem.

Is this something I should be concerned about?

All 7 seem perfectly healthy otherwise—shiny feathers, combs starting to get bigger, same activity level in all. Their food has been changed twice, but that doesn't seem to make any difference.
Wow! Who knew there was such a thing as a poop chart!

I think from looking at this that everything is normal, but now I will definitely take a closer look at the poo in question just to make sure. And I am not beyond taking a photo and adding it to the chart...

Thank you!
Could be normal cecal poo from each of the chix or it could be cocci, but if not I've heard that if your chix aren't getting enough grit that it can happen and also if you put some organic "with the mother" apple cider vinegar in with the water it will help if not cure it. You may need to clean the vent area of that chicken that you think is one doing it.

Are you using medicated feed?

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I am curious about this diarrhea as well. I have 5 chicks, (2 around 7 weeks, and 3 about 9 weeks old at this point), and there is always diarrhea mixed in with the normal poops. I have seen individual chickens poop normal, and the following day poop this orange-ish brown pudding-like diarrhea. More often than not when I actually witness the pooping, it is the diarrhea, but I have seen plenty of normal poops too. Could any of this have to do with the time of day? I usually feed them in the evening, so spend a lot more time with them around dinner time than in the mornings. But I can't figure out why that would have an impact...? I always mix grit in with their food, will they eat it well on their own if I separate and free-feed it?
LOL, it is totally NOT hot here. We here in the NW have been denied a summer this year, it appears. But that is good to know for the future, if we ever get a hot day...

I did look at the poop chart, but didn't see anything like what I'm seeing with mine--not exactly. I have never seen foam in it, it is always very pudding-like, and completely--no pieces or anything else, just a plop of pudding, sometimes with extra juice. (Go me! Why I insist on associating chicken poop with everyday food items, I have no clue. But I do know that I do NOT desire any pudding now...) Unless it is a completely normal, greyish with white, firm, formed stool. I guess the fact that they do have normal stools in between points to the likelihood that it is still something totally normal... I should be happy...?

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