When to shift from brood box to Chicken Coop?


Jan 20, 2023
My chicks are 4 weeks old. Already "almost" all feathered out. The chicks themselves are about 6" or 7" tall. And if it weren't for the net on the top of their box they'd be flying out by now. (they try every opportunity, that's for sure.) The sides of the box are 30" tall I think. They run around the box as it they are trying out for the Grande Prix. Little race demons. I'd like to put them in the closed coop but the nights are still down in the 40's. I'd like to get them comfortable being in the coop before I open the door and let them out into the enclosed run.

So my question is this: What criteria am I looking at to make the decision as to when to make the move? Their size........ whether they are completely feathered out........ or the temperature of the inside of the coop?
At 4 weeks they are getting close to coop time! I would start taking them out for field trips to the coop during the day. This helps them adjust to the new digs before the permanent move and it gives them something to do. As long as temps are staying above 40 over night, they should be ready to go out at 5 weeks of age.
Of the criterion that you mentioned, size only matters if you're integrating with older flock..??? If not, you're right on both feather maturity and temps for what to consider. Mine have been out in my coop brooder since 3 weeks in temps of *40 but they DO have a heat source. A MHP where they can stay warm under it at night and take a nap on top during the day if they want a warm up (which now at 5 weeks they are only doing.) I'm going to cut the heat next week even though we're still in the 40's because they look to be fully feathered.
Well, it's my own fault because of the accident, but I've not been able to tend to them in the way I did my last batch. They'll all eat out of my hand...........and if I'm fast enough there are 3 that I can pick up. The other 4 will dart away if I so much as try and touch them. I'm disappointed because my last batch were basically pets. Long story short, there's not going to be any "take them for a field trip to the coop during the day and back in the box in the shop at night" with this batch. I'll do good to get them in the coop. Been looking at the weather and the days are going to be in the high 80's and low 90's now 'cause Spring has Sprung! So I'm just going to move them out this weekend. If it starts to get cold I've a regular heat lamp I can put in the coop. The brooder box is too large to go through the door of the coop so I'll have to have a chicken "rodeo" and transfer them a few at a time into a smaller container. Wish I didn't have this injury.......it's sure caused a lot of problems.
Before I even think about moving them out of the brooder in 40 degree nights I put a low watt bulb in my brooder to see how they react if there’s no change in there habits with the low watt bulb like a 100- 75 watt bulb then I take them to the barn but if they act lethargic and move slowly at huddle I put the 125 watt back in there and just wait till the nights gets to the upper 50s-60s. When there just days old I start out with a 250 watt bulb when they start getting there feathers I change to a 125 watt bulb I keep my brooder in my garage that has no heat your situation may be different.
At 4 weeks they really can be out without heat without issue, but you do want to acclimate them to the outside temperatures. Not sure what temps are like in the brooder/brooding area, but assuming it's not hot where they're currently brooded but a few days fully off heat should be plenty to have them ready to move.
I'm going to go take a vote from "the girls" to see if they are willing to wait another week to make the move. I can only navigate on a walker or crutches and the surface where I'll be taking them to isn't suitable for either of those. In a week the weather will be warmer and I'll be further along in my healing process. I just think it would be better to give it another week. Thanks for all the tips and input.
Well, the Chickie-girls moved their things into the coup last Tuesday and have had a week to get used to their new digs. Opened the door to their run about and hour ago and set out lawn chairs for the little wife and me to watch. The last two to remain in the coup were the Buff Orpengtons. In fact, after having the door opened, one of the Buffs is the only remaining hen too afraid to come out of the coup. Our Speckled Sussex was the first to venture out and one of the Black Astrolorps was the second. The Orpengton that remains in the coup is "crying" out in distress for her buddies. She'll come and stand in the doorway but refuses to venture down the plank. I'm unimpressed at this point. Buffs were touted as the most friendly, most easily handled ect., ect., etc, blah, blah, blah. At this point they certainly aren't the chicken I'd recommend to folks. But time does a lot of things, so we'll just have to wait and see. The two Buffs will eat out of my hand with no reservation. But they refuse to allow me to touch them...............even "accidentally". Strange little birds.
We;ll, I'm tellin' ya, this batch of chicks is not one bit like my previous one. They love their coup and run and it's been a ball watching them. But with the batch I had many years ago, as the sun would start dimming, they'd line up like little soldiers and go up the ramp to the coup and would eventually all end up on the poles to sleep. I haven't been able to get a count, but I think 2 or more of my 7 are sleeping under the coup. I don't really care where they sleep, but I don't want them finding it so comfortable under there that they start laying eggs under the coup. I'm 78 years old and my crawling days are way behind me. They really like it under there so I hate to close it off to them. Will they just instinctively (eventually) go to the coup at night or do I need to administer some tough love and close off the space below the coup? I don't know the exact measurement but I do know it's high enough for a full grown chicken to stand under. Any thoughts?

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