Where can you buy Flubenvet in the US?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 4, 2013
I've looked at numerous sites with no luck. Can you buy on amazon uk and have it shipping to the US? Any other effective dewormers out there with no egg withdrawal?
I've been using safeguard, and just ordered a bottle of valbazen, but would would love to get a hold of some flubenvet for the no egg withdrawal. Seems like it was availiable to order in the US a fews year ago, but maybe not now?
Should a chicken with worms be quarantined?

It's not necessary to quarantine, it's best to worm all your birds at the same time. An exception would be if a bird is showing signs of tapeworms. Sometimes there's only a few birds that might be tapeworm infected and it's easiest to cage them and treat accordingly.
How do you administer the safe-guard to the chickens? Also are you able to consume the eggs during treatment?

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