White chick with black spots...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 11, 2014

This little cutiepie popped out of an egg today and I'm curious if it's possible to peg down who the parents are? I have multiple possible daddies, but only a couple hen possibilities.

Possible moms: Production Red or White Jersey Giant.

Possible dads: White Jersey Giant, Wheaten Easter Egger Bantam, Rhode Island Red Bantam, White Silkie Bantam, Blue Cochin Bantam, or Wheaten Cubalaya Bantam. (Yes, I know...I'm working on cutting bacj on my roos, ha ha)

The chick's legs are yellow and there are no extra toes, so I'm guessing that would cross off the Silkie and probably the Jersey Giant and Easter Egger too(since both have tintee legs)? And no feathered feet, so there goes the cochin too.
What a cute chick!!! I'm thinking he's a Austra White, which is an Austrolorp cross white leghorn. Their chicks are white with black spots. That's pretty much the only breed with black spots like your chick.
The chick was hatched here, to my chickens. I listed the possible parents in my first post. Definitely no Austrolorp or Leghorn.
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I picked up a chick like this today at PetZoo. They get the Layer mix from Murray McMurray every year. If not a mix breed, what else could it be?

This little cutiepie popped out of an egg today and I'm curious if it's possible to peg down who the parents are? I have multiple possible daddies, but only a couple hen possibilities.

Possible moms: Production Red or White Jersey Giant.

Possible dads: White Jersey Giant, Wheaten Easter Egger Bantam, Rhode Island Red Bantam, White Silkie Bantam, Blue Cochin Bantam, or Wheaten Cubalaya Bantam. (Yes, I know...I'm working on cutting bacj on my roos, ha ha)

The chick's legs are yellow and there are no extra toes, so I'm guessing that would cross off the Silkie and probably the Jersey Giant and Easter Egger too(since both have tintee legs)? And no feathered feet, so there goes the cochin too.


I know this is a long shot but I hatched a identical chick a few days ago. I have 4 What I believe to be Novogen hens, and a heritage RIR Roo just curious as to what to do with it. Did it produce well? What did it look like after it feathered out?
Here is my identical chick. (Sorry, the heat lamp makes it look red, but it's fluffy white/yellow with random black spots) I know the eggs were from my leghorn hens, and the roo could have been a heritage R.I. Red or Blue laced Red Wyandotte. I have had 2 come out like this, and then 2 that were all white. It will be interesting to watch them grow!


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I know this is a long shot but I hatched a identical chick a few days ago. I have 4 What I believe to be Novogen hens, and a heritage RIR Roo just curious as to what to do with it. Did it produce well? What did it look like after it feathered out?
I hatched a chick like this from a barred rock hen & a leghorn rooster. Except it's yellow with the small black spots, not white :)

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