Why won't chicks stay under surrogate mom?

Amy's Animals

10 Years
Jul 8, 2009
Southern Oregon
So I got 3 chicks today that I ordered and put them under my broody silkie hen (has been broody for 2-3 weeks). But, the chicks won't stay under her at all and just run around peeping because they get cold.
I wanted her to mother them because I like raising them that way better than in a brooder under a heat lamp. I thought this method was suppose to work, but why isn't it?
Thank you
im sorry i dont know what to tell you! LOL* i am having my own mommy chicken troubles - my broody hatched out 10 chicks - i had to put 2 in a brooder (late hatchers) the mama hen had 8 chicks - they are about 2wks old now so i started to let her out with them in the yard - i got home a bit late last night and went to check on everyone and when i went to her coop only 7 of the chicks where in there! no mama!!?? i looked all over for her and the missing chick - couldnt find them - so i took the 7 cold chickies inside the brooder. well this morning i go out to feed the layer flock and mama and the 1 chick are in the big coop!!
i just cant believe she left the other 7 in her little coop and went to sleep in a nest in the big coop??!!??
the big coop is not safe for the chickies so i had to take it from her and put it in the brooder with the others
i felt sooooo soo bad taking away her last baby, but she cant take it in the big coop and she cant leave the other 7 to get all cold in the little coop.
so just wanted to say i feel your pain! and hope she will take them... did you give them to her at night, i only did whatever i needed (candling eggs, etc..) with the broody at nighttime - ?? good luck

edit to add: oh did i mention i got 4 light brahma chicks other than the 10 she hatched so now i am taking care of 14 - instead of 6!! not my plan - i wanted her to mother the chicks - and i only got the 4 brahmas bc i had 2 lonely brooder chicks and they need a few friends - today i had to make a huge brooder out of the boody pen - we had way too many chicks in a plastic tub in my BEDROOM!!
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