Why won't my chickens eat layer's pellets....


6 Years
Oct 15, 2017
Cookeville TN
Since my chickens started laying I bought a 50 lb sack of layers pellets. My chickens won't eat them. Before this they had starter crumbles and some cracked corn and scratch.

Why wont they eat layer pellets, do you think? Actually they will eat them if I personally toss a handful on the ground by they wont eat them out of the feeder. Any thoughts why?
When I switched mine from chick starter to flock raiser there were a couple of days they didn't eat as much. Once they got used to the new feed they go through it like champs. Something I learned raising many dogs, when you change foods, always go with the smallest amount available to buy. Sometimes they refuse to eat certain ones, I'd rather waste a 5 pound bag instead of a 50 pound.
Changes in diet are better done slowly.
When I want the pullets to move to layers feed, I smash the pellets into smaller pieces and mix them in with the baby food or whatever they have been eating.
Over a couple of weeks I gradually reduce the quantity of the original food and increase the quantity of layers pellets.
As Alexa009 writes, if they are hungry enough they'll eat what you give them.
Think of it as if one morning your oatmeal was replaced by a bowl of Cheerios .... not the same at all . You might grumble too

As said though , they’re not hungry or they’d eat it
Mine do not like layer pellets much either, but it has nothing to do with pellet v crumble because they will gobble down meat bird pellets. It depends on the brand too - They will not touch Dumor layer pellets no matter what. The Purina oyster strong they will eat okay. Generally I prefer not to feed layer feed anyway. Right now I am trying to get through a bag of Full-o-pep 20% layer pellets that are stupidly large. I wish I could just feed them to the goats to get rid of them lol and for now Ill just have to stick with meat bird crumble until I can find an all flock or meat bird pellet. Surprisingly, finding a good feed has been one of my biggest frustrations after moving halfway across the country.

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