WORMING with Fenbendazole - - How much?


math ace

10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I swear the older I get the more I forget. I wormed my birds 6 months ago with Fenbendazole (safe-gaurd). DUH, I didn't write the dosage on the bottle and NOW I can't remember how much to use.

IT is 10% suspension Fenbendazole meant for deworming goats. I like to put it in a gallon of water.

Does anybody remember how much to use in a gallon of water ? ?

Last time, I think, I put it in their water for 2 days and then waited 10 days and repeated. Does this sound right ? ? ?

Is it necessary to repeat a second dosage this time IF I already wormed with wazine 10 days ago ? ?
Hey Rancher Hicks - - is it coffee time already ? ? ?

It has been around for many years. It is the same medicine that is in either Safe-gaurd or Panacur. You can find it at most feed stores including Tractor Supply. It comes in paste, pellets, or liquid.

I tried the pellets, but the chickens didn't like it and they had to eat a lot of it. The liquid treatment is painless to the birds and me.

I think most wormers have a egg withdrawal period. Wazine is the only one who specifically says for chickens and prints their withdrawal period. For most wormers, including safegaurd, the withdrawal period is 10 - 14 days. I think the purpose of the withdrawal period is to prevent somebody from having an allergic reaction to any worming residue that might be passed on thru the eggs. SOME BYC folks ignore the withdrawal period because they do not sell eggs to the public. I, on the otherhand, have family members who are allergic to all kinds of strange things - - - so I honor the withdrawal periods.

It killed me to have to buy eggs yesterday for our own use !

OK eveybody else, remind me of how much of this stuff I need to put in their drinking water . . . . . .
Come on chicken wranglers, I want to do this worming thing today - - - - PLEASE remind me of the dosage amounts for

Fenbendazole 10% suspension liquid dewormer bottled / labeled for Goats. I want to use it on the chickens and I like to mix it in their drinking water.
Hi math ace, I pretty much know most of the dosages for different wormers. Fenbendazole 10% suspension liquid goat wormer, kills gapeworm too....3cc/ml per gallon of water. The fenbendazole paste equine wormer is "pea" size amount for each chicken. BTW; no need to reworm again after using the goat wormer since you used the wazine as your 1st wormer.
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the veterinary drug handbook says:

10-50 mg/kg, repeat in 10 days. do not use during molt (may cause stunted feathers) or while nesting.

This may be of limited help, but it's all I got.
I would strive for the 50mg/kg since it will be in the water , and I just tried to figure it out for you, for the water, but I am not having luck this early with my math. (I need the cheat sheet I have at work to get the right equation)

threehorses wrote this about fenbendazole a while back and I saved it for further use for myself:
Fenbendazole aka Safe-Guard. Panacur. Paste. Another good broad spectrum wormer with a high safety margin. Kills roundworms (adults), cecal worms, capillary worms, and gape worms. You can make a bb-sized piece of it and put into the beak. MSU says that you can use as follows:

1 oz Safeguard or Panacur per 15-20 lb feed

Dissolve the fenbendazole product in one cup of water. Mix this solution well into the feed and give to the birds as their only feed source for one day. When completely consumed, untreated feed can be given. Be sure that the commercial medication contains 10% fenbendazole.
Thanks, I have written it on the bottle now. I searched all over the web last night and found a trillion things, but not what I was looking for. There were many instructions given for fenbendazole pellets. I tried the pellets once - - - could not convince my birds that they needed to eat them !

There were instructions for administering directly down the birds throat - - - but that is way to much work !

It doesn't help that the print is so tiny on the bottle that I can not read it either

ONCE again - thanks - - - I almost pm you directly to ask if you remembered the dosage
I KNEW you would know!
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Verm-X is advertized in BY poultry and has no withdrawl period. It does say to use monthly and is expensive at that rate. I figure there has to be a better way. I doubt the birds would get infected in the winter if they are clean going into it. So that gives me 6 months here in NY.

Still I won't stop til I find a better way.

The UK advertises a wormer with no withdraw but I don't know if I can order it from here. I wonder if I can get it in Canada. Flubenvet I think it's called.

I wonder if there is something safe to spread in the yard to kill parasites or reduce their numbers that is safe for the birds.
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I have used the same goat wormer at 1 ml per liter of water for 5 days. And I discard the eggs from the day I start worming until 14 days after the last dose. I live in an area that doesn't have much of a parasite problem so I do not repeat the process in 10 days. And I tend to worm them in the shortest days of the winter when I'm getting the fewest eggs anyway.
This rate would be about 4 ml or 4 cc per gallon . . . about what dawg53 recommended.

Dawg53. I normally only administer safe-gaurd over a one to two day period. What do you know about the length of administration of safe-gaurd when mixed in their drinking water ? ?? ?

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