Would pond grass and algae be a good treat for chickens?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 17, 2008
The other day I was weeding around the pond and I got to thinking about feeding my chickens pond grass. Has anyone tried it before? I pulled some out and found all sorts of little critters and small fry in it. Seems like it might be good for my chicks to eat when they get older.

I'll have to make sure there are no little turtles in it. One clump I pulled out had a baby painter turtle in it. lol I guess if they didn't eat the grass they would probably go crazy over the little critters crawling around in it.

I must be going crazy. Everything I look at now I have to ponder if I could make something out of it for the coop or feed it to my chickens. haha I haven't seen anything on this site about feeding pond critters to chickens. I'll go do a search and see what I come up with.
We live on a lake, and I collect canoe-loads of milfoil and stuff for our garden. Makes great mulch, as it breaks down quickly and has no weed seeds. Our chickens go wild over it because of all the wigglies.
Nice! I never thought of using it as mulch too. I might line the rows in my garden with it too! hehe
you're not going crazy...I too look for creative feed ideas as I go thru my day. I've been known to mortify my kids by stopping at the deli & produce departments at the grocery store we're in and ask for their cheese scraps, meat ends and any old thing that resembles a freuit or veggie.
I may have to arm-wrestle a local pig farmer for the produce stuff next time, he made a comment that I was "horning in" on his feed supply. Look out big boy, serious chicken-raisin' momma here!!!

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