Wyoming Unite!!!!

About the bone penetrating cold , as the old saying goes "and this too shall pass" Well I'm sure ready for the passing and I bet the chickens are as well. Forecasting -20's overnight here in Sheridan next 2 nights and 0 to 2 above daytime. The ability of the girls to deal with this never ceases to amaze me. I am so grateful they can. Button up everybody; see you on the other side !
About the bone penetrating cold , as the old saying goes "and this too shall pass" Well I'm sure ready for the passing and I bet the chickens are as well. Forecasting -20's overnight here in Sheridan next 2 nights and 0 to 2 above daytime. The ability of the girls to deal with this never ceases to amaze me. I am so grateful they can. Button up everybody; see you on the other side !
Its a balmy 23°F here.
It's 31* but feels like 23* (according to the weather gurus). We're going to be dropping down to 0 for the next couple of nights.
The sun came out, the wind picked up and the temperature got up to 40°F.

The deed is done. One hundred three eggs in the incubator. Any females that hatch should lay blue eggs. There is a slight possibility that the Rose Comb Legbar rooster could have one white egg gene and the same possibility from some of the hens that it is possible that some might end up laying white eggs.

I put 26 White Leghorn eggs in to make Sapphires and 77 blue eggs.
Looks like our northern neighbors decided to share their weather. It is zero, there is an inch of snow on the ground and the wind is straight out of the north.

Too bad we can't tell those northern neighbors 'no thanks'. I first noticed it snowing around 9pm and it's still coming down. Drats! :hit

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