Young hen looks like pure Plymouth Barred Rock


Mar 18, 2023
South Texas
I have a young hen that looks like a pure Plymouth Barred Rock, but she is not.
The father is some mixture that has the gene and he looks relatively close to the breed but none of the hens who could had laid the egg look anything like a Rock.
Is this something that is very rare or fairly common in the chicken world.

I don't have any photos,of her available right now, but will take some tomorrow.
Barring is dominant, and barred rocks are extended black under their barring, which is another gene that’s usually pretty dominant. Barring also hides leakage pretty well.
Barring is dominant, and barred rocks are extended black under their barring, which is another gene that’s usually pretty dominant. Barring also hides leakage pretty well.
There were 6 cockerels that hatched at the same time and while they have barring, there is some serious leakage. No one would ever mistake them for a pure rock.
This girl looks like she is.
I found this interesing.
Maybe because roosters are more colorful that's why there is all that leakage but hens are much more plain naturally so any other colors are superseded.

I'll have to put her side by side with my one surviving rock girl ( I named her Rockette 🙂) and do a direct comparison.
There were 6 cockerels that hatched at the same time and while they have barring, there is some serious leakage. No one would ever mistake them for a pure rock.
This girl looks like she is.
I found this interesing.
Maybe because roosters are more colorful that's why there is all that leakage but hens are much more plain naturally so any other colors are superseded.

I'll have to put her side by side with my one surviving rock girl ( I named her Rockette 🙂) and do a direct comparison.
Roosters generally get more leakage than hens. Plus, pure barred rock roosters have two copies of the barring gene, while your cockerels probably only have one, which already makes them look a lot different.

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