This is the official Character Page for ✾Cursecaster✾ ~ A Magical Action Role Play!


Name: Caroline​
Age: 32​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Leader​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Diamond​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 4​
Side: Eaglestone​
Personality: Smart, brave, courageous, sneaky, wise.​
History: To be RPed.​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​

Name: Paul
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Occupation: Deputy
Family: Rose and Nicholas
Wand Picture/Description:

Pet’s Name: Willow
Pet’s Picture:

Pet’s Age: 6
Side: Eaglestone
Personality: He tends to be very competitive and self-critical, and he strives toward goals without feeling a sense of joy in his efforts or accomplishments, and sometimes over-reacts to matters and ordeals. He hates to waste time, and tries to multitask a lot.
History: He was born as a non-wizard, but at age 17 he became one. He strives toward perfection, and never wasted time (in personality), he worked hard and eventually worked toward deputy ship, which he achieved at age 36. He now works hard to keep his rank, and very rarely feels a sense of pride.

Username: FlockOfHens
Other: Cursecaster

Name: Colton​
Age: 30​
Gender: Male​
Occupation: Deputy​
Crush: Open​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Ragnarok
Pet’s Gender: Male​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 15​
Side: (Cursecaster or Eaglestone?) Eaglestone​
Personality: Strict, Bold, Strong, Kind, Intelligent​
History: To be RPed​
Username: LittleBrownie​
Other: Cursecaster​

~Lead Protector~

Name: Gino​
Age: 55​
Gender: Male​
Occupation: Lead Protector​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Eaglestone​
Pet’s Gender: Male​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 2​
Side: Eaglestone​
Personality: Gino is very loyal, fierce, and caring. Eaglestone, his Black Hawk is the mascot of Eaglestone. Gino is also cunning, intelligent, and is almost never stressed. Gino loves his hawk Eaglestone, who also loves Gino.
History: After his family abandoned him, Gino grew up in the streets of un-magical people. At the age of 23, he started to fly, and got his pilot license at 25. He then started to fly for a hospital plane, and then flying important people around, like Olympic Swimmers. Finally, he started to fly commercial airlines. He one day came across Eaglestone by flying alone in a jet, and he soon was trained to be a protector. He was the best in his class, and soon got the role of Lead Protector. He also got the mascot, Eaglestone, for his bravery, intelligence, and kindness to his magical family.
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster, also, Gino's History and Name is based on my father.​


Name: Maya​
Age: 28​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Protector​
Family: To Be Revealed.​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Crystal​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture:

Pet’s Age: 1​
Side: Eaglestone​
Personality: Understanding, quick, skillful, very excellent at blocking spells.​
History: To be Role Played.​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Rose
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation: Protector
Family: Paul and Nicholas
Wand Picture/Description:

Pet’s Name:
Pet’s Gender:
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age:
Side: Eaglestone
Personality: She has difficulty expressing emotions, and usually surpresses them, usually resulting in conflict with herself and others later on.
History: She doesn't tell many people, because she doesn't want them to know too much about her. She was raised and taught at Eaglestone, but for a period of 3 years, she was with the curse casters, eventually she escaped, but she still fears them more than most people would.

Username: FlockOfHens
Other: Cursecasters


Name: Isaac​
Age: 17​
Gender: Male​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Night​
Pet’s Gender: Male​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 3​
Side: Cursecaster​
Personality: Sly, very cunning, easily lies, swift, excellent at camouflage spells.
History: To be Role Played.​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Kristoff (Kris)​
Age: 18​
Gender: Male​
Occupation: Student​
Family: His mother is Caroline.​
Wand Picture/Description: A black wand with a bone etched into the center.​
Pet’s Name: Ash​
Pet’s Gender: Male​
Pet’s Picture: A large white wolf with a scar down his face.​
Pet’s Age: 3​
Side: Cursecaster​
Personality: Wants everyone to trust him, even though he isn't trustworthy. He's sly, and really intelligent.​
History: To be Role Played.​
Picture/Description: A lean, tall boy with jet black hair and green eyes. He barely has a smile, and his jagged-haircut slices across his eyes usually.​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Marzia​
Age: 18​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Crush: Open​
Wand Picture/Description:​
Pet’s Name:​
Pet’s Gender:​
Pet’s Picture:​
Pet’s Age:​
Side: (Cursecaster or Eaglestone?) Cursecaster​
Ruthless, Smart, Sly, and DaringPersonality: Mean,
History: To be RPed​
Username: LittleBrownie​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Elijah​
Age: 15​
Gender: Male​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Cole​
Pet’s Gender: Male​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 2​
Side: Eaglestone​
Personality: Elijah has his quirks. Unforgiving, smart, geekish.​
History: To be Role Played.​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster!​
Name: Drew​
Age: 14​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:

Pet’s Name: Rainwing​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture/Description: A light-gray female cat with orange eyes.​
Pet’s Age: 1 Month​
Side: Cursecaster​
aring and loving once she knows you, fun to be aroundPersonality: C
History: To be RPed​

Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Anna-bell Williams​
Age: 19​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Ruth​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture:
(Size is equal to a hawks size)​
Pet’s Age: 1​
Side: Eaglestone​
Personality: Quiet, kind, and loyal.​
History: Lost her family in an accident after she had started going to the academy.​
Username: Starrnico​
Other: Cursecaster​

Name: Hazel​
Age: 16​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Jewel​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 2​
Side: Cursecaster​
Personality: Smart, cunning, nimble.​
History: To be Role Played​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Taryn​
Age: 14​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Mystic​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 1​
Side: Eaglestone​
Personality: Cautious, slightly fearful, she worries that she is not brave enough for magic, smart, honest, hates it when people don't follow rules.
History: Had two older sisters who were both killed by Cursecasters.​
Username: Blue in a shoe​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Keira​
Age: 13​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Emerald​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture:
Pet’s Age: 2​
Side: Cursecaster​
Personality: Lies easily, cunning, loves danger, excellent at killing spells.​
History: To be Role Played.​
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​
Name: Zarna​
Age: 18​
Gender: Female​
Occupation: Student​
Family: They all died from a terrible illness.​
Wand Picture/Description:
Pet’s Name: Zarva​
Pet’s Gender: Female​
Pet’s Picture: A small, black cougar with blue eyes.​
Pet’s Age: 4​
Side: Cursecaster​
Personality: Mysterious, strange, devilish.
History: At a young age she was cursed with a spell making her look like an elf as a consequence to her bad behavior.
Username: Frindizzle​
Other: Cursecaster​

Name: Misty
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Crush: None yet.
Family: None.
Wand Picture/Description: An old, wooden wand, encrusted with yellow gemstones.
Pet’s Name: Mineral
Pet’s Gender: Male
Pet’s Picture/Description: A miniature goat with black and white patches over his body
Pet’s Age: 2
Side: Eaglestone
Personality: Joyful, Shy and Adventurous.
History: Unknown.
Picture/Description: Short, dark brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes, usually wears bright clothing.
Username: ChickenShan
Other: Cursecaster!