hello fellow chicken lovers! You probably clicked on this because you want to learn more about these amazing birds, well you came to the right place!

Fun facts.

Fact 1. Chickens are related to dinosaurs, yes you heard me right! Birds are the closest living relative to dinosaurs.

Fact 2. Chickens can recognize up to 100 faces of animals and people.

Fact 3. chickens are completely blind in the dark, that is why they enter the coop at sunset.

Fact 4. Bugs are shiny to chickens , that's why they try to peck at non-edible objects such as jewelry.

Behavioral facts

Fact 1. Chickens love to eat there own eggs hard boiled,in fact it is a great source of protein when they are chicks.

Fact 2. Chickens molt, molting is when they looses there old crusty feathers and replace it with new fluffy feathers

Fact 3. They have a egg laying squawk.

Fact 4. You can tell when a hen is fertile by the color of they're comb

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