Give your chickens a safe, peaceful spot to lay eggs inside with durable homemade or DIY nesting boxes. Nesting boxes can be made out of just about anything. You can use milk crates, kitty litter buckets, storage bins, or even old drawers. If you're on a tight budget you could also build them from old pallets too!

Chickens do like to perch before they begin nesting in their chicken coop, so offer something for the chicken to roost on as well.

The nesting box is also important for you, the flock keeper because it makes for easy egg collection - unless you like searching the backyard, outbuildings, and under every overhang for your flock's eggs! So if you don't have any nesting boxes for your hens yet, why not add this to your DIY Projects?

Here are some great ideas from our members:

1. Nesting Box From A Bookshelf

How about awesome nesting boxes from an old bookshelf? A slanted "roof" could also be added to it once it's mounted as well to keep the hens from perching and laying on top of it. Learn more here.

2. The Vintage Nest

This "vintage home" has a roost that looks similar to a dining room table, and the nesting boxes look more like a piece of furniture with a decorative vintage look. The ramp-up to the boxes looks more like a staircase because of where it is placed along the whitewashed walls. Absolutely lovely. Learn more here.

3. A Homey Nesting Box

Why not give your girls a bit of jazzing up to their basic nest boxes? You can add some herbs for the nesting boxes to keep flies away. They look great. Having nesting box curtains looks cute and fancy too, they give your hens a bit of privacy and warmth when laying. Learn more here.

4. Heated Nesting Boxes

We all like some frozen treats: ice cream, a slushie, gelato--but not eggs. Frozen eggs are just not good. Hence, here's a homemade heated nesting box so your eggs will always be warm. Learn more here.

5. Nest Box Aromatherapy

Happy hens lay healthy eggs. We all love those fresh eggs and do our best to get the most out of our hens. But sometimes we forget all the hard work hens put into making just a single egg - imagine dozens. We forget that they like privacy and peace when laying an egg. And most of all, we forget nest box aromatherapy.

Nest box aromatherapy is simple and makes a world of a difference. Hens who lay in a nest filled with herbs such as mint are generally relaxed, healthier, and even happier than those who don't. Not only will it keep the hens happy, but it will keep the entire coop smelling like an herb garden. Learn more here.

These are 5 top nesting box ideas in the BYC's article section. Which one is your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments!

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