A Large Coop Attached To Back Of Existing Storage Shed

I would give this a higher review, but it has very little detail and I think it would look better with details on how you made it. What materials you used along with their price and a sketch of the "early ideas" for it's design.
Needs details on how it was built. also chicken wire aka poultry netting isnt predator proof. Hardware cloth is
I'd like to see more pictures and some build details.
It would be nice to have more pictures of the build, and a bit of explanation on the details
It would save on materials to be able to add a coop against the wall of an existing building. Wish more details had been included showing how the coop was built.
I wish you had included more pictures and step by step directions of the build. Pictures are always an added bonus. Hope the chickens are enjoying the coop.
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