AGROWARA COOP - A Journey Building A Coop Without Experience..

I came across so many beautiful( i mean it) coops pics & great designs here in BYC that catch my eyes to come out with my own. At first, I was aiming building a 3'x4' coop size with 5'x4' for the coop run. I was inspired with the WICHITA "CABIN COOP" . Not only that they have a nice build-up coop, they also got those lovely daughters
....(ehemm..)..I mean their lovely flocks
..... But then, I saw this StrawberryHouseMouse - The Hen Duplex which is more practical in my opinion & close to my personal taste. The reasons are :

a) it has a semi-detached look
b) have 2 section to divide 2 flocks of different types/age or to separate the hen with it chicks later.
c) it utilize the below coop area to become their run as well.
d) I can implement the deep litter method, not in the coop, but in the run area.

I follow the concept with some modifications especially to cater on the air circulation for tropical hot weather like Malaysia. Basically these are the functionality that this coop is offering that might be useful as your guidance when you're building one:-

  • Easier access to get the eggs at the back.
  • Utilizing the below area for the run. Just top up dried leaves to compost & reduce the smell.
  • Can be partitioned. Later I've partition the center section to have left & right wing section. Can raise up to 4 different small size flocks. 2 top-center for chicks & broody mama( 2 exit door at the left & right wing ). 2 low wing area for the free range flocks.
  • Have better air circulation.


The Construction

Started on Nov,2015. I'm using left over woods after house renovation. As its been there too long under the sun, some of the woods I'm using are mostly having slightly bent. I've got no choice & extra $$$, so I have to fully utilize whatever is there. After cutting it to the measurement & doing the wood joinery part, I paint it with wood stain. With the help of my son, we set up the main coop at the front field area and started to assemble the frame on uneven ground. Using some bricks to level it up.

Its 8'x4' . 6' high at the front & 5' high at the back. Raised it to 2' from ground level.

An overview of nesting box frame at the back.

Me & son busy finishing the nesting box. Putting up all the siding cutting using 2 (9mm) pieces of 8'x3' plywood. Cost me RM100(USD24) for that 2 pieces.

Finally , 4 nesting box on each side makes it 8 altogether. The center area is for storage purpose

The pop door & its slide guide. Easier for me to open it from the outside of the coop.

Fix the hardware wire cloth & aluminium sheet siding

At the end of the construction phase.....Almost there...

The D-DAY(Enrollment Day)

Welcome ~ The 1st batch of Agrowara Coop!

The 2nd batch of Agrowara Coop

We started with 5 chicks. Bought them @ 1 month old.
Then our friends gave another 5. Total of 10 to begin with.
Then the next month they started to lay some eggs, I think up to 28 eggs, but we just kept 16 eggs.
And they are successfully hatched...All of them!

My precious kids having fun with the flocks...Little one is busy drawing.

Our First Egg.....Well, let's called it Two then....

Surprisingly we've got a double yolks eggs. This is the first time in my life seeing a double yolks egg.
Then, after much reading in BYC, I soon realize that it is a common thing to happen for over feeding the chicken.
And its a serious matter actually that can killed your beloved chicken. Its too late for me to realize it because not long after that we lost 3 of our 1st batch. Each of them weighing ± 2.5kg each. The most touching moment was, 1 of them died in broody mode, while sitting on her eggs
hit.gif struck me right over there ....
Anyway life must go on. Its a lesson to be learned.

The Update

Total occupants as of Aug,2016 = 19.
Total eggs that are currently brooded = 6

These are the latest images taken on Aug,2016...I think its time to give it a little touch-up to have it painted...

You can see the video of our coop here -->

ENJOY them..........