Well I live in a small town in East Central Oklahoma, and my little town has an ordnance against raising chickens in town. I talked with the Code Enforcer here in town and was told as long as no one complained he would look the other way.

So I am going to start building the coop, and I hope to document my effort here.

My area is approximately 11' X 17'. I had this fence professionally installed a couple of years ago. I will contact the fence company that did the work and have them raise this to an 8' high fence. I also need a 10' drive-tho gate installed at another location in the fence. I can kill to birds with one stone, (pun intended)

I plan to build my Coop along the south fence. The current plans call for treated 4X4 posts buried in the ground and 3/8 plywood siding on the outside.

Here is my area looking from the East I will be raising this fence to 8' tall very shortly.

And here it is looking from the West