Reviews by AmyA248

Incubating And Hatching Muscovy Eggs

13 min read
4.77 star(s) 13 ratings
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Absolutely FANTASTIC, detailed article! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your experience and expertise.
I am currently incubating my first Muscovy eggs and am at day 13.
I am a complete novice, as I’ve only incubated abandoned Wood Duck eggs last summer which went very well.
It seems Muscovy’s are MUCH more complex. My female laid her clutch in the dead of winter with eggs several days apart. So I have 3 different age eggs in the incubator. I’m not sure what I’m going to do come hatch time, I guess I’ll have to purchase another incubator..
I didn’t know that the vent needed to be open because everyone says humidity is so important. But I did open the vent in my forced air incubator.
I’m going to follow your directions to the tee and hope for the best, but with what I read it seems that it’s almost impossible to get any kind of hatch from incubating Muscovy eggs.
I’m a nervous wreck because we love our ducks very much and this batch is my female’s first clutch. We would love to add to their little family but since I’m such a novice I don’t have much hope.
I’d love to be able to speak to you with some questions, but I noticed this article is quite old.
Thank you again for all your insight!

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