Reviews by coop410silkies

Common Rooster Myths - Clearing Up Rooster Misinformation

7 min read
4.89 star(s) 74 ratings
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I have many Roosters and enough experience living with them that I can say this article accurately puts to rest some of the worst misinformation on Roosters. I can confirm that many roosters, with adequate space, can live together and that they protect and serve their hens. I can also confirm that aggressive Roos sire aggressive offspring: you should get your Roo(s) from proven sources. I can confirm that Roosters can be excellent parents and will actively participate in the rearing of chicks; they can be fierce protectors and even raise chicks by themselves. I can confirm that roosters are often heroic and can make great pets. And yes, I can confirm, there are in deed some bad apples. This article reflects very accurately my experience with Roosters. I'd like to think that you would consider having a Roo - or Roosters if you've space - and that you could commit to working with them after you've read this article.
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