Reviews by MIgardengal

Top 10 Favorite Backyard Chicken Breeds

BYC Project Manager
4 min read
4.77 star(s) 13 ratings
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Yes agree! As we have a small urban flock (well we live in a rural city on 2 lots) I did TONS of research before we got 6 hens. We have a Barred Rock, Buff O, and 4 Easter Eggers. All of them are docile, friendly, inquisitive, perfect for a family setting. I totally agree that the EE are more quiet. I have 3 with muffs one with out. All of them just make soft clucks. They also lay beautiful blue/green eggs which are a hit with the neighbors which helps keep the "peace" if you know what I mean! The BR and BO are the loud mouths, they always voice their opinions with enthusiasm! I would love to get a few of the other breeds you mention. Cochins are on my to get next list!
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