Reviews by Spiritsmeadow

Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

9 min read
4.97 star(s) 155 ratings
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I have kept chickens for many years, and I have employed Chicken Math all these years...telling the Game Warden (as I give him countless boxes of eggs) "since YOUR fox killed 4 of my hens, now I must go buy new chicks ... lots more chicks... in case YOUR fox returns"...and other forms of subterfuge. My horse LOVES my hens, stands at their gate and mumbles to them... so do my barn cats and my Great Pyrenees dogs. I must have enough chickens to keep all my animals happy with "their own flocks". And when you count beaks in the coop at night and each night the count varies (because they're walking around and settling in) well, you can never really know how many chickens you actually do have! I love this article, it took a lot of time and superior math skills to splain it to us, and I really appreciate it. I wish you were my neighbor!
The fact that the Fox belongs to the Game Warden is new to me... but pure genius! In fact, wouldn't all predators then be the Game Wardens? Perhaps he should be buying your chicks for you since his animals are causing you losses!
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