Beginning to raise chickens

Article needs more details and has broken attachment links-- pictures not loading.
Nice start.
You're off to a good start, but this needs more details and the pictures are broken.
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Good topic but needs much more detail and way too advanced for a new chicken keeper
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This is a good start or outline for an article on starting out with chickens, but a "newbie" will need a lot more detail on all of these topics. If you could expand on each section and go into your reasons for the suggestions you make, along with the details of what to expect from each, it would be helpful. More photos would also be beneficial.

As a side note, I would never suggest to a beginner to start with 50 birds. That's a major commitment that can easily overwhelm a beginner. 10 at most until you get a feel for what you're doing, then you can expand up from there.

Also, local laws may limit the number of birds per acre, and they vary, so you may want to note that in your article.
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