Black Spots on a Chicken Comb

Is it possible to add more photos of the causes of black spots on combs?
There are only 3 photos - 1 is an example of picking/peck marks, 1 is an example of fighting and 1 is an example of frostbite.
Having a better variety that shows examples of each "cause" may be helpful to others looking for information.

Unbelievably timely. I have a pullet littered in spots. Top possibilities are dirt or pecking (pecking order has been amped up lately). So well written, and gives me a springboard to start diagnosing.
Thank you for this helpful article 🤍
nice quick reference. great pictures
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A great look for people who want some quick answers
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Good article, lots of information.
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Informative. Covers many causes.
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Very well done
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This article is easy to understand and goes into just enough detail about each potential cause. It is very useful for figuring out what might be going on when a chicken's comb develops black spots.
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Great read and very helpful in determining differential diagnosis for proper treatment
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