
Bluelucky's Naptown Coop!!!
Here is the new chicken coop my dad and I built today. Its 4x4x4..The 2 panel flip down back door to coop.. the wood one locks ..
A view inside the house just has a roost and feeder and water now. We trimmed it out in 1" x 6" Cedar. We used treated 2"x4"'s for the bottom frame and regular ones for the framework of the coup. It's 48" in front and 40" in the back for good rain slope. The roof took only 1 bundle of shingles. We screwed the whole thing together in sections so it will be easy to disassemble and move if we want to.. I am going to add some construction cloth to the bottom of the coop for move run space.. It has a 12' x 12' slidin door to the run and a 1"x6" Cedar plank to the coop..