Candling Pics Progression Through Incubation Of Chicken Eggs

Awesome article!
Loved seeing each day and enjoyed the added information you provided on what I would see "if" you opened the egg. Extremely educational. Thank you for taking the time and care to create this and for sharing it with us.
Very well laid out!!! Will be bookmarking this one!!
very good pics. very helpful
Wow! Incredible article. I'm having a broody hen hatch chicks, and this article was incredibly informative! Thanks!
Best detailed example of what to expect. Thanks!!
Excellent article! I refer back to it very often. Love the pictures.
amazing article!! what was your hatch rate in your incubator?
Fabulous article. This article is how i found out about BYC. I was searching on google one day a few years ago when this article pulled up.
Truly a wonderful article! Very well written.
Love this article! When I’m excited for me eggs to hatch, I check the day they are on and what they will look like in this article.
Best guide, hands down. I always run to this article when I'm checking how egg development is going.

The pictures are very clear and informative. A must read for both beginners and others needing a quick refresher on egg candling!
Wow the embro really moved!
Thanks for the clear explanation ...on my eggs I can't see anything
I always refer to this when incubating eggs. Awesome pics
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Great article! I just started incubating my first batch of eggs and was looking for photos of what it should look like when I candle in a few days! I really appreciate that you showed how to tell egg shell quality!
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Thank you so much! I am starting my first incubation but could not find much on candling. Great article1
I love this article! I come here often when candling to be sure I understand what I'm seeing.
I have come to this repeatedly! My 1st hen hatched 1 egg (out of 4; she broke 1, 1 was a dud at day 10 & 1 failed somewhere between day 15 & day 22). 2nd broody is on 6 eggs & we candled them tonight, which was day 10. I have had chickens for years but never had a broody hen or incubated eggs.
Thanks for sharing and great photos!
Great pictures.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Totally awsome! They are sooo cute (the chicks) :) Thanks for the pictures! So amazing .....
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Im doing my first incubation soon, and this is the exact info I was looking for. I really like the use of edited photos for those of us who really need/want to know better what to look for.
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