Chicken FAQs - The Frequently Asked Questions Of Raising Chickens

Every beginner chicken owner should check out this list!
Helpful for those learning about raising chickens
After the last 6 months of research and charts and chick-prep insanity, I’m astounded that this article covers the basics and then goes on with info I never even knew I was missing! Very informative, well-written, will definitely help those who are new to keeping chickens during their initial learning phase.
Very good information
This article has it all, it helped us when we started, great for beginners and veterans alike!
This is a great article providing all of the questions and answers about raising backyard chickens that anyone would ever need to know! Your first time raising chickens would a great success if you would just read this article before buying any! Thank you BYC Support!
For someone new to the world of poultry keeping, this is a quick-to-read and easy to understand reference.
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