My name is Melody Jones. I live in Burleson, TX with my husband and two daughters. We have 1 roo, 2 silver laced and 2 golden laced wyandotte hens, 5 light and dark hens and one easter egger. We also have 6 box turtles, and a Basset Hound mix. I am a preschool teacher for my daughters school district. My husband is a huge help too- especially building coops, turtle housing, etc. (ha ha). I also work from home selling candles with Scentsy. Its been awesome because its great on pet odor and they have awesome warmers (rooster, anyone?!). I can also design warmers myself with their DIY Warmers!

I hope to meet and get to know as many of you as I can. I have really enjoyed this forum!!

Melody Jones
AKA chickenjones