Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

Many people out there long to have our feathered clucking friends, but may not be able to free range the flock as most people are able to do. Because of this many people end up not getting chickens because they think the flock will be unhappy if they don't have access to a large yard... Well that couldn't be any more untrue! I know from experience your chickens can still have the time of their lives even without access to a big yard. This article will discuss what you can do to keep a happy and healthy flock without free ranging.


Let's Talk About the Coop

First off, let's talk about the coop. This is the most essential part when not free ranging your flock since they will be spending all their time in there. The first thing to think about is how much space you will need in your coop. The rule of thumb for this should be at least 10 square feet per chicken in the run and 6 square feet per bantam in the run. If you are able to add more room than this though, go for it! The more room you have the happier your chickens will be! Another important part of your coop will be the roof to your coop/run. The roof should be able to protect your chickens from all the weather elements (rain, snow, hail, etc.) so they can enjoy time in the run even when the weather is not the best. Lastly, you need to be sure you have good flooring in your coop and run. What I found most works effectively is river sand. It provides your flock with a dust bath, added grit from the natural pebbles, and the sand soaks up any moisture from the chickens droppings making it very easy to clean and very sanitary for the flock. In addition, you chickens should have access to both sun and shade in your run, so they can choose if they want to bask in the sun or take a nap in the shade.


Decorate That Run

Next, when your planning to get chickens who don't free range, you have to think about what you will add to the run to keep your flock occupied.

-A Ladder
Putting a ladder in your run will provide enjoyment for both you and your chickens as you watch them happily jump and play on each rung.

-A Mirror
Keeping a mirror in your run will give your flock lots of entertainment as they encounter their mimicking twin in the reflective surface.

-Tree Stumps
Tree stumps in your chicken run are a great idea when keeping your chickens occupied. Not only do the chickens like jumping and playing on the stumps but they provide hours of enjoyment for you flock as they peck through the wood to get the tasty bugs who burry in there.

-Hay Pile
It may sound simple, but by just throwing a big pile of hay in your run, your chickens will spend a long time picking through the hay and scattering it around the run.

-Dust Bath
Many people have a dust bath for their flock regardless of if they free range or not. By just having a box with some dirt/sand, your chickens will have lots of fun rolling around in the dust, not only is this enjoyable for your flock but also helps them rid any parasites that may be on them.

-A Chair/Bench
By putting a chair or bench in your run, your chickens can be able to jump and play on them and provides you with a place to sit when visiting your flock.

-A Swing
It may sound silly, but it's possible your chickens could enjoy a little chicken swing! These can be purchased, but I recommend making your own with a large stick and some rope/chain to make sure your chickens would like a swing before paying money to buy another one.

Add roosts to your chicken run to provide places for your chickens to perch.


Chicken Toys

After you have decorated your run with some enjoyable items, it's time to provide your flock with some toys. A lot of these are food based though, so be sure to give them to your chickens in moderation.

-Flock Block
Flock blocks can be made at home or purchased at your local feed store. These blocks usually last a while while your chickens spend time picking at the scratch.

-Chicken Teather Ball
These can provide lots of entertainment for your chickens when the hit and try to eat the yummy treat that's hanging from the roof of their run. These can usually be made by putting a food, such as a head of lettuce, corn, or an apple with the core removed, on a rope or chain and hanging it from the top of your run so your chickens can play.

-Scratch Dispenser
Like the flock blocks, these can be purchased or made on your own. The idea of this is to dispense scratch or treats as your chickens kick it around. You can make your own by using an empty water bottle and adding a few small holes to it, big enough that your treat can fit through, and then filling it with your choice of treat.

You heard me right. Spaghetti. Boil some Spaghetti noodles, and even add some food dye to them to make it even more fun. Then after that, hang or place then around your run for your chickens to play and peck at.

An easy simple way to keep your chickens entertained is by throwing a handful of scratch into the run for your chickens to find.

-Cricket Tubes
To send your chickens on a game of chase, take a paper towel tube with some crickets in it that your caught or got from a pet store, and set it in your run. When the crickets hop out, your chickens will chase them until they are able to snatch one of the little buggers up for themselves.

-Frozen fruit
This is especially nice on hot summer days. This can be acomplished by freezing fresh fruit into water for your chickens to pick through so that they can receive a piece of sweet fruit.

-Cocconut Oil Treats
These are a favorite of mine since Cocconut oil is very good for your chickens. You can make these by filling individual cupcake tins with melted Cocconut oil, and putting some tasty treats into the tins. (Scratch, dried meal worms, grass blades, etc.) Then these can be frozen and given to your hens.


The Final Touches

Lastly, we will discuss the little things you can do to ensure your chickens enjoy their time in their coop. The first thing you probably are already doing if you have chickens is to have food always available for your flock. Some chicken owners feed their chickens a certain amount of food at certain times to see how much for they are getting, but by keeping feed always out and available for your chickens, it will occupy more of their time since they spend a lot of time eating.

Last but not least, we will talk about something you should do regardless of if you free range or not. Spend time with your flock! Make time to hang with your chickens, playing with them, holding them or just watching them. Time with your flock will stimulate your flocks mind and you will be able to establish a closer bond with your chickens.


In conclusion, yes it is very possible to keep happy and healthy chickens without free ranging. It may require a little extra work and effort, but it will all be worth it for our feathered clucking friends! Thank you for taking the time to read my article, and please leave a comment if you have any questions. Thank you!


(Photos from Tilly's Nest and Fresh Eggs Daily)
About author
Hello! :frow I’m Jessica. I love my husband, my 3 children and my pets. I have been owning chickens since I was young, but currently own 5 ISA Brown hens. I hope you enjoy my article!

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I am a new chicken mom and have 4 girls that are 1 1/2 years old. While I live on 5 acres of undeveloped land, we are on family land of 172 acres in rural America. That being said, we have every type of preditor you can think of. So free ranging is just not an option for me.

That being said, I bought large 6 X 6 X 5 coop that sits off the ground and bought an extra 8 X 14 run that attaches it as a kit. All in it was abour $2300.00, so not too bad. This summer has been brutal here in GA with the heat. My coop /run is in the shade half the day (evening)but it is still super hot. I have taken measure to try to keep them cool, with water, several fans, frozen food and fruits, watering doent the run, Etc. The coop is next to our home. We have a large 48 foot covered deck that sits about 6 ft off the ground, so you can walk under it. The access to go under our house is in this area. I clean my run daily, so we really don't have any smell. Sowe have spent this week hardwiring the whole area under the deck, adding another 400 sq ft for them to roam and forage and connected it to the exisitng run. I learned that I can open the access door going under our house and cool air just poors out. So we are almost done. I need to make a wire screen to cover the door so they can't get under the house, but I am putting a fan there to blow out even more cool air for my girls. We are close to being done opening this area for them. I can't wait to see how they love it. Happy chickening.
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Great ideas - and if I may, people should apply some of these things to their brooders. Baby chicks need stuff to play with and places to explore. It's so sad to me to see big brooders with nothing for the chicks to do! We always put in logs and sticks. Hay is a great idea too.
Enjoyed reading about your ideas for chickens without free ranging. I enjoy my 5 girls. They are always intertainting me.


Living in residential area, my yard is fenced & I have allowed my chickens "free ranging" & they go in to their coop at night. However, they LOVE hanging out in the patio so every afternoon it's "poo patrol". Feeding FF they don't poo so much & it's firm that I use a long tong to pick up.

I had 2 RIR & 2 EE couple of chickens ago who dug such deep hole in the yard I had to buy soil to fill. They went to a friend who had acreage, Hubby built me my RC (Run/Coop, 8x12x7). I now keep my 4BOs in the RC & all is good. On nice days I'm tempted to let them out but I know they'll then expect to roam every day plus the neighbor has 7 dogs on the other side of the fence. I do hang veggies, toss in some scratch & grass when I mow, they seem content.
7 dogs is scary, My dogs as well trained as they are are tempted, those chickens clucking running and wing flapping is just to tempting! be careful! I would aire on side if caution ⛔️ and not chance it!!!!!🙏🏻
I took a picture of my pallet wood compost bin I put into my chicken run. It worked great for making compost, but eventually I just converted my entire chicken run into a chicken run composting system. Still, the chickens love to jump on top of the bin and hang out, catch some sun rays on a cool day, or duck below the top to sit in the shade on a hot day. It is basically chicken furniture at this point, but they still use it every day.

Living in residential area, my yard is fenced & I have allowed my chickens "free ranging" & they go in to their coop at night. However, they LOVE hanging out in the patio so every afternoon it's "poo patrol". Feeding FF they don't poo so much & it's firm that I use a long tong to pick up.

I had 2 RIR & 2 EE couple of chickens ago who dug such deep hole in the yard I had to buy soil to fill. They went to a friend who had acreage, Hubby built me my RC (Run/Coop, 8x12x7). I now keep my 4BOs in the RC & all is good. On nice days I'm tempted to let them out but I know they'll then expect to roam every day plus the neighbor has 7 dogs on the other side of the fence. I do hang veggies, toss in some scratch & grass when I mow, they seem content.
What is FF?
I have free ranged my chickens ever since I bought them a year and a half ago. But lately I've been considering keeping them in the coop/run because they dig holes everywhere! I'm afraid to have guests over because they might twist an ankle or break a leg stepping in a hole. I've almost done it myself, especially when I go out at night. Plus, they destroy everything that is remotely edible (or so they think). And I'm always finding new places where they lay their eggs. This article is extremely helpful in giving me ideas to keep them happy if I do decide to keep them penned up. In lieu of a ladder, I put a pallet in the run for them to climb on. I had swings under the raised coop, but I took them down. Now I'll rehang them. I'll definitely try some of the other suggestions to keep them as happy as possible. Thank you!
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I made a swing for my peacocks today. They say that peacocks like shiny things so I made a couple of wind chimes and hung them from the ends of the swing! Now we will just have to see if they use it or not! Fingers crossed!View attachment 2116184View attachment 2116185View attachment 2116187
Love your swing, but I would be careful about the chimes. I have a pet parrot and have always been told not to have anything hanging where the bird could get it's head stuck inside or choked or any foot tangled either. I'm no expert on chickens or parrots just sharing my concern.

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