Diy hobbit house chicken coop

Nice little coop! The only thing I would be worried about with it is ventilation, as it doesn't look like there's much.
Amazing coop! Love it!
Lovely post. Very cute idea. Would love to know if having the living roof has lead to a decreased internal temp.
Very cool! Definitely one of the most unique cooos I’ve seen on BYC.
Very creative, and looks great!
that is awesome. I may copy that a some point as I expand my flock. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that's so creative. I bet you chickens love it!
You got a featured article!
Really creative coop! I love the idea of using Trex for curved structures.
I love it! Being a hobbit fan myself, this idea was adorable and creative! You better name one of the chicks Frodo! Lol!

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Your coop is the aweosmest one I’ve seen yet! I loved the pulley idea we use something like that for ours! I also love loved your chicken’s names. They were adorable!
Very cute coop! Your hens are beautiful too. Lucky girls.
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Being a Hobbit fan, I was drawn to this coop. Well done. I have to say too ... you have beautiful, very healthy looking chickens. Good for you!
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Wow i really love your coop - just gorgeous - quirky and cute and settles so well into the environment! Your pics are great to show the process and the coop itself looks practical for getting brooms in to clean etc. Did you end up doing another article for the extension? My favourite has to be the long distance door opener - fabulous idea!!
I LOVE your coop:love. It is so creative, blends in so well with the environment, and looks like something the chickens would have designed themselves if they only knew how to draw up blueprints. You did an excellent job of showing the process you used in your step by step photos. :goodpost:
This coop is practical with heaps of charm and creativity. it would be a great instalment in any backyard.
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