Chicken Breed Info:
Breed Purpose:
Dual Purpose
Comb: Rose
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: All Climates

General Egg Info:
Egg Productivity:
Egg Size: Medium
Egg Color: Brown

Breed Temperament:
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile

Breed Colors / Varieties:
Correct Dominique barring is not quite black on not quite white, and the bars are staggered, rather than the parallel and sharply contrasting black and white barring of the Barred Rock.
Breed Details:
The Standard of Perfection lists the standard weight of a Dominique cock is 7 lbs, while the standard weight of a hen is 5-5.5 lbs.
Both sexes should have a medium sized head, neck carried well up, with a short, stout beak. A rose comb should be compact, firm and straight on the head, free from hollows, and ending in an upward curving spike. The neck should be of medium length, gracefully arched, and the back should be of medium length and breadth, rising with a concave sweep to the tail. The tail of the cock should be carried at 40 degrees from the horizontal. Full, round and prominent breast, moderately long thighs, with shanks fine in bone and medium length toes. Shanks and toes should be yellow in color and free from feathers and stubs.
The Large Fowl Dominique falls under the American class, while the Bantam variety is in the Comb Clean Leg (RCCL) class.
Dominique chicks are sex linked, which makes it much easier for breeders to sex their chicks as soon as they hatch. A cockerel chick has a light and scattered spot of yellow on the top of the head, while the head spot of a pullet chicks is more compact and solid. Also, the shanks & feet of a pullet chick is darker and much more shadowed than that of a cockerel chick.
Currently, the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy lists the Dominique as being on "Watch" status. They have enjoyed a resurgence of popularity and their numbers are slowly climbing. Dominiques have the honor of being one of the breeds listed on the Slow Food USA Ark of Taste.





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