Having your chicken's full trust is a huge accomplishment and when you finally gain it, it feels so good!

When we first got our chickens, they were absolutely terrified of us. They would scatter and run away as far as they possibly could from us humans as soon as we stepped outside. We would have to chase them around the yard and corner them to catch them and pick them up.

I started always feeding them(whether with treats or normal feed)every time I went out to see them so that they began to associate me with food. Mealworms, or sunflower seeds are great treats that they truly adore. So every time you go out to the coop, shake that treat can and scatter away! And once the chickies learn that with you, come treats, they'll love to see you and gobble up those yummy treats.

Also remember to ALWAYS be gentle and never chase. Even if you really want to hold the chicken, be patient because your patience will pay off, when they start willingly coming to you.

Staying still also helps. If you don't move they'll forget you're there, and you can sit and watch them for as long as you like, and in time, they'll learn to trust your presence.

But just remember, ALWAYS be patient, because that truly is the only way to get those sweet little chicken's full trust.