Franken-bator -- Converting a cheap yellow topped model with the Incukit Mini

Good build
I think this article is well written and the photos are really helpful. I learned a lot and it makes me feel like I could make this frankenbator. I'd rather not though, because it also makes me thankful for my incuview.
Redhead Rae
Redhead Rae
The IncuKit Mini is what they use for the guts of the Incuview. I just have different housing and turner mechanism
Did it work?
Redhead Rae
Redhead Rae
It did. I have only really used them as lock down incubators, because I currently live in a house that isn't climate controlled. The incubator has a hard time with wide temperature shifts. I'll have to see if moving to a house with HVAC in the next few months will change that.
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