To start, this is just some basic information to get you started. It runs through what hens go broody to candling and finally hatching day. Many are uninformed about this subject and I want to change that. Any hen you have will do as long as it’s broody. A broody hen has to be devoted and you can’t force a chicken to be broody.
Choosing a Good Hen
The best breeds though are listed below:

  1. Silkie
  2. Cochin
  3. Orpington
  4. Brahma
  5. Sussex
So Your Chicken is Broody,Now What?
So,if you want chicks leave her with a clutch. If you want to raise a different breed order eggs online and give them to her. She will handle incubating and turning the eggs. After 21 days her eggs will hatch and you'll have chicks. Your hen will handle everything herself in the raising with minimal work for you.
Health Risks for Your Hen
If you notice she is starting to get thin, you need to place food in a small bowl next to her nest. She is not getting up to eat often enough and that can easily lead to much larger problems. She could get picked on and may have feathers pulled. In this case you should move her and let her set in an isolated pen with food and water.

At day 6 no signs of the dark spot or eye, so this egg is unfertile. The eye is the indication of the egg being fertile.

At day 6 this egg is fertile. The eye is clearly present indicating the egg is fertile.

At day 10 the embryo or body is starting to grow around the eye.

At day 12 the embryo is starting to get larger.

This is an egg at day 14 is only 7 days from hatching. The embryo is almost done growing.

Day 16 The embryo is growing and developing downy feathers.

Day 17 The embryo is growing and developing downy feathers.

A blood vein is the sign that a chick was growing but died.

A detached air cell means that your egg needs to be turned in an upright position.

A good air cell means you’re taking good care of your egg.
Hatching Day! And after that!
Your hen has made it and you have chicks. When your chicks are still wet, you should not touch them. Then once they are dry, quickly look them over and make sure they have no visible problems. Keep a close eye on them for a few days after they hatch. Look for signs of sickness or parasites. it is completely normal for them to not eat the first 1-3 days. On day 2 or 3 the hen will take them out of your coop, and they will eat and walk with her. She will raise them into young roosters or hens.
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