Frostbite in Chickens

Very informative and well-written, including excellent illustrations and diagrams.
Strangely even here in Spain frostbite can be an issue.
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I am so glad that I found this article. This is my first winter with chickens, so I've been reading everything I can find on how to take the best care of them and keep them happy. I've got all cold hardy chickens, but, the temp has been -17 to -30 at night. So, thank you so much for writing this. All newbies need to read it. I will recommend it to anyone that I think needs to know!
Webbysmeme 02/01/2019
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Perfect timing for this article! Frigid winter months need preparation and special care for your flocks!
Very well written, clear and easy to understand. The pictures are helpful too.
Very descriptive & good pics.
Thank you so much for the review!
I'm in an arctic blast with wind chill down to -50s right now. This was a helpful read. Thanks for the diagrams and pics.
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Reactions: Melky
Thank you for the review. I truly appreciate your support.
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