I am not the best writer but here goes.
We bought 13 little chicks. We started out with a plastic water tub. It was good at first but we quickly realized that it was not going to be too roomy for long. So we came up with the plan to build a brooder that would house our chicks as they grew. Giving them room to run, jump and perch. It would also have to be suitable for a warming light. So, plan in motion, we measured our area where it would go. A 8ft long x 3 ft high x 4ft wide space. All the pieces were cut for the sides, top and bottom...
2- 36"x48" plywood sides
4- 96" x 48" plywood for front, back, top and bottom.
2 x 4's were used for the framing to secure the sides to. Vertical on the corners, and horizontal on the top and bottoms.
On the front we cut a foot off to make a drop down panel using 3 hinges for easy access.
2 hook n eyes are on the top corners to secure the door when it's up. The center of the "roof" has a cut out, leaving a 6 inch border. A piece of chicken wire stapled over the cut out for air flow, heat escape and visual checking of chicks, It also allowed for a space to put the heat lamp through.
Inside we used 2 x 4's for roosts that are just screwed from the outside for support.
Pine shavings added for bedding. Of course a waterer and feeder. The drop down door soon became a roost when I sat with them. They would jump right up to see me. I was very happy with the convenience of the drop down door and the amount of room the brooder gave them for growth and exercise. It also made it easy to clean. We are very pleased with it.