Home Page

I am a blissfully married mother of 2 and grandmother of 1 at the age of almost 45 years. I am also owned by a Taco Bell Beast and 6 very spoiled chickens....5 so-so spoiled chickens that I am raising for someone else and 21 new rapidly becoming spoiled chickens!

I am married to my best friend and former Green Beret in the U.S. Army. He was medically retired from active duty in September of 2006 and retirement has been a very interesting affair.

We have a son age 24 years, a daughter age 12 years and a wonderful grandson who just turned 4 years old.

I fully support our troops because I know firsthand what they do and go through. I came close to losing my wonderful husband and very thankful for each day I have with him. This was his last day in uniform:

Retirement meant many things to us...changes. One of those changes was updating a tattoo I had had for about 20 years. I had it changed to hold the same meanings but to make them current for my life at that point. So 8+ hours under the tattoo gun later my tattoo was done. It covers my hip and down onto the thigh. I really love it and it was a great gift from my husband.

We have always believed in living as healthy in possible. His job required him to be in top physical condition and I was regaining my health following a stroke in labor with our daughter. We began weight lifting together. Our goal is to compete together as a pair in a national bodybuilding competition within the next 5 years.

I even entered a competition at our gym...the goal was as many reps as you go do on a leg press at the heaviest weight you currently pressed. I did 101 reps of 365 lbs. Which amazed even myself as I am 5' 2" and weighed a mere 98 lbs at the time. YAY ME!

Both my husband and I are avid bow hunters. This is our daughter holding my Hoyt recurve. I use only traditional style equipment while husband has gone to the dark side and bought a compound bow. Cheater!

This is our Taco Bell Beast...vicious looking isn't he?
So that is enough about me. Now I must a page for my girls and then their coop as I make it. But, here are my 6 very girls soon to be increased to 27 very spoiled girls.