How to Avoid Scammers

Great article, really helpful! My mom got scammed on Facebook, and so have i, glad people are putting things like this out there more!
Thank you!
Oh how sad that we have to be like this but it IS necessary.
My husband and I have gone the extra mile and have become paranoid I think (but in a nice way)
We NEVER click on a link in an email,
We NEVER answer the phone to people we don’t know (they can always leave a message 🤷, we are elderly and aware that it is always possible we could be manipulated)
We NEVER keep the same password for over a year.
We NEVER have banking apps on our phones.
We HAVE NFC/RFID cards in our wallets.
We HAVE Faraday cases for our keys
We DON’T have any Facebook /Instagram /Twitter and the like (yeah it’s possible to live without it 😂)
I have been a casualty of identity theft thanks to a hack at my pension company so better

Thank you!!
Wonderful article! People need to be aware of scammers, they are everywhere. We all need to be on our toes and be careful. Great article!
Thank you very much!
Solid article. If it's FB you should also report them as scammers. There's also info about how to report if they have blocked you in that article.

You might also talk about reporting to the feds if it's a significant amount, as well as local law enforcement. Technically these scams are wire fraud, but odds are low that anyone will get involved for a couple hundred bucks. Thousands, though, different story.
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Your link is about Marketplace scams. My article is about FB group scams. I already addressed reporting it in there at the end. There's no link in your link to get past the scam in Marketplace to report a group as to report a group you have to go to the group's homepage and report it from there. Someday maybe I'll add Marketplace, CraigsList, etc. to this, but for now this was for the problem at hand, people getting scammed in poultry groups.
An informative and well written article.
Thank you so much, Janie!
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