How To Raise Baby Chicks: The First 60 Days Of Raising Baby Chickens

Very useful, thank you :jumpy
A good introduction to raising baby chicks

The article would be better by updating for new methods, like using brooder plates instead of lightd
Well written, minimal typos. A good read for anyone just starting out raising chickens.
Article is a little sparse, sticking to pretty much the old traditional basics... which is fine, and basically helpful. But times are changing and it would be nice to expand and offer even more information. I'd like to see reference to:
-Alternative heat sources such as heating plates or MHP with links
-Other common problems in chicks and what to do
-Essentials to keep handy in a first aid kit
-When and how to move chicks to the coop, or at least a link for what to do after 60 days
I do remember reading this article before I got chicks for myself and it only barely got me started.
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