The current economic climate has caused many people to seek out alternative sources of income. Whether you're struggling to make ends meet or simply looking for a way to earn extra cash, selling chicken eggs is a viable option. With the rise of backyard farming, more people are raising chickens for their own consumption and selling eggs as a side hustle.

In this article, we will discuss how to get started with selling chicken eggs and how it can be a profitable source of income during tough times.

Why Sell Chicken Eggs​


There are several reasons why selling chicken eggs can be a profitable business during a recession. Firstly, chickens are relatively easy and inexpensive to raise. They require minimal space and can be fed on scraps and cheap feed, making them a low-cost investment. Once they start laying, you can collect their eggs every day, which you can sell at a reasonable price.

Secondly, there is a growing demand for fresh, locally-sourced produce. People are increasingly interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced. By selling fresh eggs from your backyard, you can tap into this trend and provide your community with a healthy and sustainable source of food.

Thirdly, selling chicken eggs can be a flexible source of income. You can sell them from your own home or set up a stall at a local market. You can also decide how many chickens to raise, depending on how much time and space you have available.

Getting Started​


To get started with selling chicken eggs, you will need to invest in some basic equipment. The first thing you will need is a chicken coop or shelter. This can be a small shed or even a converted playhouse. The coop should be big enough to house your chickens comfortably and have enough space for nesting boxes and perches.

You will also need to purchase some chickens. There are many different breeds of chickens available, each with its own pros and cons. Some breeds are better layers than others, while some are more hardy and better suited to different climates. Do some research to find a breed that will suit your needs.

Once you have your coop and chickens, you will need to provide them with feed and water. Chickens can be fed on a variety of different feeds, including commercial chicken feed, scratch grains, and kitchen scraps. Make sure to provide them with fresh water at all times.

Collecting and Selling Eggs​


Once your chickens are mature enough to start laying, you can start collecting their eggs. It's important to collect the eggs every day to ensure that they are fresh and to prevent any potential health hazards.

When it comes to selling your eggs, there are a few different options. You can sell them directly from your home by advertising in your local community or setting up a small roadside stand. You can also sell them at a local farmers' market or to local restaurants or grocery stores.

It's important to price your eggs competitively. Do some research to find out what other sellers in your area are charging and try to match their prices. You may also want to consider offering discounts for bulk purchases.

Regulations and Health & Safety​

When selling eggs, it's important to comply with any regulations and health and safety standards that apply in your area. This may include obtaining a license or permit, ensuring that your chickens are healthy and disease-free, and following proper food handling procedures.

In some areas, there may be restrictions on the number of chickens you can raise or the size of your coop. Make sure to do your research and find out what regulations apply in your area before getting started.


Selling chicken eggs can be a practical and profitable way to earn money. With the growing demand for fresh, locally-sourced produce, you can tap into a market that values sustainable, healthy food.

To get started, you will need to invest in some basic equipment like a chicken coop and purchase some chickens. Once your chickens start laying, you can collect their eggs every day and sell them directly from your home, at local farmers' markets, or to local restaurants and grocery stores.

However, it's important to comply with any regulations and health and safety standards that apply in your area, including obtaining a license or permit and following proper food handling procedures. With some research and preparation, selling chicken eggs can be a flexible and rewarding source of income.

Further Reading: