How To Use Chicken Manure as Garden Fertilizer

Thank you for this info.

Would a drying rack (screen) over a compost pile speed the maturing of the poop? An screen open enough to let dried poo drop, or be brushed/raked through to the compost below?
Very down-in-the-dirt practical information about how to prepare and then use chicken manure at home, safely for us and our plants. Much appreciate the specifics on different methods and warnings for our health and the soil's. Agree with using bedding, run litter, leftover/spoiled feed, etc. along with the manure itself when composting - the compost organisms love it and break it down nicely.
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chickens do no urinate. their waste is a combination of urine and feces. you should not combine coop flooring material in your compositing - you do not want grains sprouting in your garden, competing with plants; nor sawdust or other bedding materials. macronutrients are: fat, protein, & carbohydrate; micronutrients are: vitamins and minerals. you should sift droppings, leaving behind bedding material. sifted droppings can then be put in a bucket of water. float good quality crushed lump charcoal on top, or a charcoal filter screen, to eliminate smell. stir occasionally. age at least 60 days. test strength by diluting 1 cup of liquid manure to 1 gallon of water, on a small grassy area. if it turns brown, your ratio is too high. age longer or dilute more. once you get your ratio down of water to waste, you can have 2 or 3 buckets going - label as first, second, third. by the time you fill the third bucket, your first one will be ready. the charcoal does not need to be removed. its good for soil too. hope this helps.
Great information about how to do this correctly.
Very helpful article!
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Very helpful. I’ve always wondered about this topic, but have never known how to go about it.
Very helpful information. A lot of people who keep chickens also have gardens, so poop is the "other" gift chickens give, besides eggs.
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