Great advice. My chickens are in a large run (due to preditors)and the whole thing has a roof. I live in GA and we are in the mid 90's almost every day. I have two high velocity fans going at all times and some smaller ones too. My coop is a 5 X 6 X 5 and is one they can get under. The coop is under a car shed (so double roofed). Mine still pant in the hot part of the day. So I got one of those rolling air conditioners and put duct on it and the other end shoots cool air under the coop. Small fans help dispurse the cooler air. I have 4 girls and they sit under there in front of the cool air. I run it for a few hours during the hottest part of the day. The whole run is in the shade of the house by 2:30-3:00 PM and that helps. I give them frozen fruit, ice cold watermelon and canteloupe, and put in cold water and change it out regularly. They get mealworms every day for their morning and bedtime treats. I also spray cool water in their run. This summer has been particularly hot. So Iam making their run larger with some other options currently. In hindsight, I would have gotten a walk in coop. That way I could put the air cond. and the chickens both in their during the hottest part of the day with water and food.