Keeping A Cleaner Chick Waterer

Thanks for sharing. Looks like it works well.
This is a good idea. I’ve used something similar that does work, but it’s best if you have nice calm chicks who aren’t crazy fliers. I always seem to have at least one whose favorite perch is on top of the waterer — until it tips over. For my brooder coop I use an upside down plastic saucer meant for planters. It provides a wider more stable base than a ceramic bowl.
It is a really good idea to set the food and water up from the bedding! For cleanliness and health reasons.
But something to consider is a glass vessel (as pictured) hitting ceramic type of dishes below it could cause an accident and sharp edges. A softer wooden block, the end of a 2 x 4, or heavier plastic dishes could also work.
This is true, but the idea is to have the water up higher than just a 2 in rise. And plastic just isn't heavy enough to keep from tipping over when 1 quart of water is balanced in the top of the bowl. Also the wood inevitably will become soiled to the point of not being able to clean, where the ceramic would easily be bleached and reused, free from any contaminants. I've tried many different variants of methods to raise waterers and this seems to work best for me. I can see where the glass 'could' be a problem. The only glass related issues I've had were with heat bulbs exploding over the brooder, never any broken jars yet. (Fingers crossed lol)
Good idea.
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