Max & Jane

Nice Story and video
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Reactions: The Angry Hen
The Angry Hen
The Angry Hen
Thank you very much!
Wonderful and I liked it.

I need advice, the cardinal chicks keep falling out the nest and they are 3-4 days old, I know because I found the nest when they were eggs, but I think I might have to take them in and raise them because they keep falling out the nest when we put them back.
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The Angry Hen
The Angry Hen
Thank you!
Is the Cardinal mother near or has something happened to her? I'd suggest keeping an eye on the nest to see if she's around before taking them in. I understand you want to help them, but it may be best to wait a little. Good luck and best wishes! :)
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Reactions: The Angry Hen
The Angry Hen
The Angry Hen
Thank you very much for reading Max & Jane's story!
Thank you for the reminder to stop and smell the roses ... errrr, watch the birds! You are absolutely right. We all need to take time to notice the little things ... and maybe befriend a few of them.
Thank You!
The Angry Hen
The Angry Hen
Thank you kindly for your comment! I appreciate it greatly and I am glad that you liked my article. I couldn't agree with you more. Many people forget that we are here for our very own reasons- and so is everyone and everything around us (animal or human).
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